Purchasing Via a Company Purchase Order

We understand that many organisation use purchase orders to order and pay for goods they require. Should you wish to use a company purchase order for your order, you can do so via one of the two options below.

Purchasing Online with Company Purchase Order

  1. Simply add the relevant product/s to your cart and complete the checkout process. 
  2. When you reach the payment options page of the checkout, simply select the Purchase Order option. Complete the rest of the checkout process. 
  3. You will receive an email confirming your order and your order total. This email will also request you email through your purchase order. Once you have raised the purchase order, simply reply to this email with your purchase order and we'll take care of the rest.

Purchasing with Company Order via Email

Should you wish to email us the purchase order, simply send it to info@nomorepainergonomics.com.au 

We will then create your order and submit the invoice back via the correct submission process.